Équipement d'imagerie
Computed Tomography

Pourquoi Antech?
- We believe that trusted partnerships empower more effective, efficient diagnostic decision making for better animal health outcomes.
- We are proud to offer CTs fit for every veterinary practice and budget.
- Our veterinary practicioners have 24/7/365 access to U.S.-based customer service technicians and easy-to-use self-training platforms with onboard help videos.
- We value and maintain long-term partnerships with technology manufacturers.
Mobile CT
Conventional CT
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Partenaire vétérinaire exclusif de GE HealthCare aux États-Unis depuis 2001
Extraordinary images. Specialized systems. Innovative solutions. Every GE HealthCare imaging system is designed with you, your specialty, and your patients in mind. You’re devoted to providing the best patient care. We’re committed to providing technologies to help you excel every day.

NeuroLogica Corporation
NeuroLogica Corporation, a Samsung Electronics subsidiary, specializes in the development, production, and distribution of point-of-care Computed Tomography (CT) scanners for medical facilities and private practices worldwide. NeuroLogica was founded in 2004 in the metropolitan Boston area, where the company still operates to this day.