Rapid In-house Detection
Results in 10 minutes.
Shelf-stable Test Kits
No refrigeration needed.
Simple 3-step Process
Add sample, add buffer, read results.
Proven Reliable
Excellent specificity and sensitivity.
Convenient Sample Options
Anticoagulated whole blood, serum, or plasma.
Tests in the Pipeline
trūRapid™ FOUR (Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm), Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme), Ehrlichia spp., and Anaplasma spp.), trūRapid™ Giardia, and trūRapid™ Parvovirus.
trūRapid™ HW
In-house heartworm testing developed for all practices.
Created for Every Practice
Accurate, reliable, fast.
Easy to Use
No sample preparation steps required.
Streamlined Preventive Care
Simple process and highly accurate diagnostics.
Technical Details and Downloads
trūRapid™ HW is a point-of-care Dirofilaria antigen test developed for all practices.
To avoid advanced stages of heartworm disease in patients, veterinary teams are adding trūRapid HW to their prevention programs.
Specs and Technology
In-house Testing Process

Heartworm Study Data

Antech™ Support
- Daily 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MT
- Emergency support after hours
Consider these Antech™ solutions for the right healthcare, at the right time.
Empowering veterinary care teams with the industry’s only in-house canine cancer blood test.