Sometimes it helps to get an expert opinion.
Our world-class team of over 150 board-certified specialists can assist with interpretation and application of results or general case consultation.
Specialists in numerous fields including radiology, internal medicine, and equine medicine
Real-time peer-to-peer consulting
24/7 customer service and quick turnaround times

Connect With a Specialist
Specialists are standing by Monday through Saturday, available on a first-come, first-served basis. Select immediate transfer to our call center or schedule a callback through our customer service agents. Please have the accession/lab reference numbers available for the results you wish to discuss.
To request a consult, please call Customer Service at 1-800-872-1001.
Connect With a Pathologist
For questions about cytology and histopathology reports, reach out to the pathologist whose contact information is included in the report.
For general questions regarding Anatomic or Clinical Pathology, contact Customer Service at 1-800-872-1001.