The Versana Premier™ is the preeminent ultrasound system of GE Healthcare’s Versana line of products, noted for advanced performance, unambiguous image quality, and productivity and training tools — all housed in an ergonomically versatile design. Exceptional performance, a wide range of probes, and a surprising list of standard features make Versana Premier the optimal choice for veterinary medicine.
Large Full HD display
Articulating monitor arm
Touch panel with multi-gesture functionality
Gel warmer
Height adjustable console
Updated CPU for a faster and quieter system
Voice Over
Vision Boost Advanced Imaging Platform
Scan Assistant
Follow Up Tool
Scan Coach
Download the Versana Premier™ Product Brochure

Vision Boost Advanced Imaging Platform
Faster frame rates and updated algorithms address demanding veterinary clinic needs.
Voice Over for Images
Overlay voice comments on images for playback when reviewing exams.
Whizz Dynamic Image Tuning
Automatically optimizes ultrasound image settings in real time, enhancing clarity and contrast during live scanning — without the need for manual adjustments. Clinicians are free to focus on patient care while producing high-quality images.
Scan Assistant
Create standardized exam protocols to reduce fatigue and foster consistency.
Follow-Up Tool
Compare current and prior exams side by side.
Scan Coach
A contextual reference tool complete with clinical guidance for scan plane acquisition and references for anatomical structures.
Transducers A wide range of applications to increase system versatility.

1.3 – 4.0 MHz

2.0 – 7.0 MHz

4.5 – 12.0 MHz

4.0 – 13.0 MHz

4.5 – 18 MHz

4.2 – 10.0 MHz

2.0 – 5.0 MHz
*Only available with standard unit

Antech™ Support
- Daily 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MT
- Emergency support after hours