Imaging Services
Antech RapidRead.
Cutting-edge technology, developed and backed by our team of board-certified specialists.

Meaningful, Insightful, and Accurate Assessments, in Minutes
Antech RapidRead is a diagnostic support tool that blends the speed and efficiency of artificial intelligence (AI) with the expertise of a team of leading veterinary radiologists and data scientists. Trained from 16 million images — sourced from an unprecedented library of more than 8 billion images — Antech RapidRead helps you confirm your diagnoses and avoid missed findings. All while increasing your own diagnostic confidence.
RapidRead provides accurate AI radiology reports using findings, signalment, and clinical observations to deliver insightful assessments within minutes — delivering, at minimum, 95% accuracy with each read. Accuracy approaches 100% when the tool is used properly and in conjunction with radiologist oversight.
The tool is based on discriminative machine learning models, which means that it identifies and categorizes only what it is trained to identify and categorize, and cannot evolve on its own. Our RapidRead team, consisting of board-certified veterinary specialists, are continually training and measuring the accuracy of the model.
Once your case report is generated, certain emergent findings are automatically routed to one of our board-certified veterinary specialists for a STAT review (at no additional cost to you) for turnaround within a 2-hour window, approximately. And, of course, any time you feel you need further insight or assistance on a case, you have access to 160+ board-certified radiologists ready to provide support through Antech Consulting Services.