Imaging Services

When and why would I consult with specialists outside my practice?
Consulting with specialists on challenging imaging, medicine, and surgical cases can help direct diagnostics and treatment. And it’s the most efficient, cost-effective way to bring board-certified specialists into your practice, to support you in providing the best care possible for your clients and their pets.
How do I create an account for Imaging Services?
There are several ways to register and create an account:
Register through this website.
Contact us by email.
Email us at [email protected]
Contact us by phone.
We are available 24/7/365 at 877-727-6800.
Is there a fee to create an account?
No. There is no fee to create an account
Do I need special software to access Antech’s Imaging Services?
We offer a web-based service, so you do not need special software. A high-speed internet connection is recommended to facilitate the transmission of your images. Our well-trained technical staff can guide you through transmitting images from your digital equipment to our specialists.
When can I begin sending cases for consultations?
Once you set up an account and have technical support confirm communication between your digital equipment and the Imaging Services site you can begin sending cases. We recommend that you spend a short time (approx. 15-30 min) in training with technical support prior to sending your first case.
Does your service work with any DR system?
Yes. Ours is a web-based system and will work with any DR system
Does your service support film radiographs?
Do you review ECG transmissions?
Yes. Our board-certified cardiologists are available to review your ECG transmissions. For more information on submitting ECGs, contact Technical Support at 877.727.6800 or [email protected]