Antech PennHIP Online Training

Training on the Antech PennHIP method is critical to ensuring success with the procedure. To become a member of the Antech PennHIP network requires: 1) taking the online course and passing the exam at the end, followed by 2) successful completion of certification exercises at your practice.

PennHIP training is available online. The course is free and has been streamlined to require less time than the original classroom version. RACE credits are issued upon completion.

Formation en ligne

Online training consists of five modules. All five modules must be completed within 14 days of registering. The course modules total only 2 hours and can be completed within one day or less. Registrants who are unable to complete the course within 14 days will be required to re-register and start from the beginning. Upon viewing the online training modules and passing the online exam, RACE credits will be issued.


Certification is the final step in training. The trainee will submit three test cases to show proficiency in performing the PennHIP method. There is no charge to process the certification radiographs if submitted within 45 days of passing the online course. Trainees may submit as many dog cases as needed within the 45-day period to attain three “passing” cases (at no charge). After 45 days and up to 60 days, there will be a charge of $160 US per case until there are three “passing” cases. After 60 days, if three passing cases have not been achieved, the trainee must re-register for the online course and start from the beginning.

Technical Staff

For practices having at least one certified PennHIP veterinarian (or one in training), we encourage veterinary technicians in the practice to take the online course as well, to become certified to perform the PennHIP procedure, as described above. Following certification, all cases from the practice are to be submitted to Antech PennHIP under the certified PennHIP veterinarian’s name, not the certified technician’s name.

We recommend that you identify three (or more) dogs to use for the certification process prior to successfully completing the online course. Inevitably some cases will not meet our criteria, so we suggest using your — or your staff’s — dogs, not your patients. No official reports will be issued on dogs used for certification. If official reports are desired for cases that have met certification standards, the case must be resubmitted as a PennHIP consult and the normal fee will be applied.

When you register for the training you will have the opportunity to purchase the Antech PennHIP distractor. Unless your practice already has one, we recommend purchasing the distractor at the time of registration so you can begin certification exercises immediately upon passing.

Register for Online PennHIP Training

  1. Create an Antech PennHIP account.
    You must have an account to be able to send us your PennHIP images.
    If you currently have a PennHIP account, go to step 2.
    If you do not have an account, please contact us at 877-727-6800 or [email protected].
  2. Create an account in Antech Learning Unleashed.
    Antech Learning Unleashed (ALU) is an online training site hosted by VCA. You must be registered as an Antech ALU client to register for the PennHIP training. With ALU, you’ll also have access to other Antech RACE-approved courses.
    If you have an account in ALU, go to step 3.
    If you do not have an account, click here to create a training account.
  3. Taking the online training course.
    Once you have created your accounts (steps 1 and 2), you’ll be eligible to take the online training. Go to the Mars Center for Veterinary Excellence at to log in. Type the word “PennHIP” in the search box in the upper right hand corner to find the program curriculum. You’ll be prompted to agree to the terms of participation in Antech PennHIP, and then you can request the curriculum and launch each item within the curriculum. Pay close attention to the PennHIP Manual. It will become an important source of information during the training process and beyond.