Équipement d'imagerie


Advanced imaging and increased productivity.

The LOGIQ E10™ provides a full suite of advanced imaging tools and harnesses artificial intelligence to drive workflow productivity. Built on the A to A digital platform, the LOGIQ E10 addresses today’s needs while keeping veterinary practictioners at the forefront of clinical imaging.


  • Grand écran HD
  • Panneau tactile interactif
  • Architecture cSound™
  • Plateforme numérique A to A
  • Volume navigation
  • Compare Assistant
  • Assistant de mesure
  • Assistant de numérisation
  • Imagerie B-Flow et B-Flow hybride
  • Outils basés sur l'IA
  • Traitement des données brutes

Download the LOGIQ e10™ Product Brochure

DSeries and XDclear™ Probes

Powerful high fidelity and broad bandwidth produce high-resolution images, whether scanning superficial or deep targets, or any point in between.

Streamlined Functionality

Ease of operation: The user interface has easy-to-reach controls, an adjustable floating keyboard, and an articulating monitor that adjusts for viewing both on- and off-axis.
Robust DICOM® connectivity: Allows images to be saved to a central location and reviewed alongside other imaging modalities.

Architecture cSound™

GE HealthCare cSound™ Architecture — now with Advanced SRI (Speckle Reduction Imaging) — delivers images of exceptional uniformity from near to far field. The system acquires and reconstructs data with 48X the data throughput and 10X the processing power of previous systems. No need to adjust the focus — information is in view instantly.

2D Shear Wave and Strain Elastography

Determine the qualitative, quantitative, and semi-quantitative assessment of tissue elasticity.

Ultrasound-guided Attenuation Parameter (UGAP)

Quantifies liver steatosis to aid in the early identification and monitoring of patients with NAFLD, NASH, or ASH.

Micro Vascular Imaging (MVI) and Radiantflow™

MVI supports detailed vascular imaging. Radiantflow enables enhancement of blood flow in small structures. Remarkable sensitivity with high resolution.

B-Flow Technology

A patent technology of GE HealthCare. B-Flow is a non-Doppler technique using coded excitation to capture the hemodynamics within large vessels and perfusion of smaller vessels through organs. Suppresses tissue to visualize real flow without overwriting vessels. B-Flow capture with reconstruction provides a three-dimensional view of blood vessels in which artifacts are automatically suppressed and weak vessel signals enhanced.

AI-Based Tools Powered by Edison
  • Auto Doppler Assistant: Automatically adjusts the color box and angle so that users can complete exams in 20% less time with 50% fewer keystrokes.
  • Auto lesion segmentation: Automatically traces lesion boundaries and generates two-dimensional measurements with just a few keystrokes.

Transducteurs Une large gamme d'applications pour augmenter la polyvalence du système.



1,0 – 6,0 MHz





6,0 – 20,0 MHz



4,0 – 16,0 MHz



2,0 – 11,0 MHz



2,0 – 8,0 MHz

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Assistance Antech™

  • Tous les jours de 6h00 à 17h00 MT
  • Assistance d'urgence en dehors des heures de bureau

Considérez ces solutions Antech™ pour des soins de santé adaptés, au bon moment.